Welcome Back To The Blog Again!!!

.... look below for our most recent post.... and remember that you can become a fan on FACEBOOK, follow us on TWITTER, and get more information about us on our Web Site. Your family's health and wellbeing are at the top of the priority list.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The History of Chiropractic

For those interested in learning about where Chiropractic stemmed from, this was an article that I found and thought it was worth reading.  I added a couple of pictures of the Discoverer and the Developer of Chiropractic for you.  Enjoy the read.   

The actual profession of chiropractic - as a distinct form of health care -- dates back to 1895. However, some of the earliest healers in the history of the world understood the relationship between health and the condition of the spine. Hippocrates advised: "Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases."
Herodotus, a contemporary of Hippocrates, gained fame curing diseases by correcting spinal abnormalities through therapeutic exercises. If the patient was too weak to exercise, Herodotus would manipulate the patient's spine. The philosopher Aristotle was critical of Herodotus' tonic-free approach because, "he made old men young and thus prolonged their lives too greatly."
D.D. Palmer
But the treatment of the spine was still crudely and misunderstood until Daniel David (D.D.) Palmer discovered the specific spinal adjustment. He was also the one to develop the philosophy of chiropractic which forms the foundation for the profession.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Stress Free Home for the Holidays

Hello all.... as our holiday season has already started, you'll be spending more time interacting with family and friends, more time shopping, and more time entertaining and being entertained.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Happy Holidays again!!!!
-Drs. Handt

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Meaning of Giving

Click Picture to Enlarge
Enjoy our Wellness Family Newsletter.  See what giving can give to you.  Enjoy your holiday season!!! Looking forward to giving you more blog posts before the holidays.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

HAPPY Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at 
The New York Chiropractic Life Center 
Please find a good reason to give thanks today and everyday.  A life full of gratitude is a great life to live.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Human Potential and the Tough Mudder

Human Potential... what are we really capable of?  What system in our body really determines what we are capable of? Does the human spirit play a role in maximizing your potential?  Why do some people choose to do things to challenge their potential?

(Dr. Josh Handt-Pre-Tough Mudder)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day and Chiropractic

Chiropractic has been helping humanity since 1895. With the help of computers we have been able to help spread the word to world faster than ever. Active Military and Veterans not only need chiropractic to keep their body and lives healthy at home, they need it where ever they are in the world.
Here is a video link that you will want to watch.  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Running....Make it better through Chiropractic

As some of you that are reading this may be runners, If you haven't considered putting Chiropractic Care into the front of your lifestyle care, you may reconsider.  More and more athletes are considering chiropractic to be their secret weapon in peak performance.  From endurance athletes to body builders, body function is the most important part of the game.  If you body and mind are not functioning as close to 100% as possible, you're not going to perform any activity your best, whether it's your athletic activity or sleeping.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Allergies Getting You Down.... Why Chiropractic should be on your places to visit next week

Did you know that Chiropractic can help with your allergies?  Don't be so surprised, many people don't.  What you will find out in the article below is that Chiropractors around the world work with children to senior citizens to help maximize their health potential.  People don't only go to Chiropractors for pain.  This may be a new concept to few, but ever since Chiropractic was discovered in 1895, pain wasn't on the forefront.  Actually the first patient ever got an adjustment and had his hearing returned.  That's some powerful stuff.  So read below, and see how a your local Chiropractor should be at the top of your list of wellness providers.  No one else does what they do.

Monday, September 26, 2011

What they don't want you to know about the FLU Shot

Hello All,
As you all know, we are starting to see and hear advertising for the FLU vaccine.  All of these companies that are promoting vaccines, and or other medications are betting that you will act like sheep and run to get the vaccine because everybody else is.  What they don't know, is that you are smarter, you actually have an interest in your health, and you are willing to look a little farther to see the facts.  

Click on Picture to Zoom In
Read what's in the red box.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Disease Mongering"- how are they going to make you a customer of Big Pharma

Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry is trying to get everyone to become a customer?  Big pharma will do anything at any cost to make sure you are brainwashed to think your body is dumb, and that the only think you can do is take some sort of medication, or have a surgery that will use very costly medications.

Average Senior Taking Over 13 Medications Daily

 "With promotional campaigns that exploit our deepest fears of death, decay, and disease, the $500 billion pharmaceutical industry is literally changing what it means to be human.  Rightly rewarded for saving life and reducing suffering, the global drug giants are no longer content selling medicines only to the ill.  Because Wall Street knows well, there's a lot of money to be made telling healthy people they're sick." Selling Sickness

So realize, that what it comes down to is their bottom line $$.  They are public companies and need to make money for there shareholders.  Most of the Continuing Education done by medical doctors on which people should use which drugs, is primarily funded by pharmaceutical companies.  Almost 100% of biomedical research that should be funded by non-profit agencies or private agencies is funded by the pharmaceutical industry itself.  Is this scary,  or what?.  The British Medical Journal states " Twisted together like the snake and the staff, doctors and drug companies have become entangled in a web of interactions as controversial as they are ubiquitous[everywhere]."  To add injury to insult, the British Medical Journal's slogan is "helping doctors make better decisions".

We share all this information with you because your health depends on it.  One thing that makes Chiropractors very unique as health care providers is that we embrace the natural healing powers of the human body.  Both you and I know that when you cut your finger, it's your body's innate wisdom that does the healing.   It sends white and red blood cells to the area, platelets for closing the cut, as well as many other functions to allow that healing process to occur.  We all know that band-aids don't do the healing.  It's the same thing with medicine.  It doesn't do the healing!

Chiropractic works intimately with your body's innate wisdom, and your body and your life are powered by that wisdom .  If you want to make sure that your power is at 100%, and find out how chiropractic can help to make that happen, go to www.NYCLC.com and you can email us with any of your questions.  For now, I hope you learned something and maybe spiked your interest in getting and staying healthy without the use of drugs or surgery.
-Drs. Handt.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/11 - 2 Articles worth reading...The WTC, Gone But Not Forgotten

Chiropractic Care was provided in NYC at Ground Zero right after 9/11/01  Free Care was given to all the workers and volunteers to the value of $1.5 million dollars.  There are 2 articles below... please read them both.  Never Forget the events that happened on 9/11/01.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A YOUTUBE channel that you should follow

Here is a Youtube channel you should follow.....
watch testimonials, learn new things and enjoy!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

How spinal misalignments can ruin your life... Everyone should understand this.

Subluxations are a detriment to your health, and when your health is interfered with, it effects everyone around you, which then becomes a societal problem.  So subluxations effect society.  So do your best to understand what this is and understand that a Chiropractor is the only person that can analyze, detect, and correct subluxations.  They are professionally trained for over 4000 hours for this.  Any person or doctor that says otherwise us just un-educated in what we do.  If we understand the way the body works, it's a no brainer that you would see a chiropractor for your healthcare needs before taking drugs(medicine) or opting for surgery (we're not including all surgeries).

A subluxation, as defined by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges is: "A subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health."   When a subluxation occurs it causes nerve interference in some portion of the body affected by those nerves.  The subluxation causes changes to the structure as well as the nerves.  These changes get progressively worse as time is allowed to work on the subluxated area of the spine.  These changes take the form of ongoing degeneration known as "subluxation degeneration".  By understanding the type and amount of changes, it is possible to reasonably estimate the time subluxations have been present in a spine.  Having this information is useful in understanding the time and effort needed for correction.

Near Normal
This is a side x-ray view of the neck.  As with all the pictures you will see on this page, the patient is looking to the right of the screen, so you are viewing the right side of their neck.  We will call this picture a "near normal" spine.  Compare this spine with the ones you will see below on this page.  Notice the normal forward curve of the neck.  This curve helps absorb shock.  Notice how each of the disc spaces between C2 (second bone in neck) and C7 are thick and even, this again is normal.  Also notice how the front portions (right on the x-ray) of each of the vertebrae (called the 'body' of the vertebrae) are fairly square with clear and well defined borders. This type of arrangement is normal in the neck.  Normal vertebrae in other parts of the spine also have similar characteristics to what we see here. When subluxations occur and are left uncorrected, ongoing relentless changes occur that result in damage to the structure and function of the spine along with nerve damage and the resulting problems caused from improper nerve supply.

Phase One Subluxation Degeneration 

Phase One Subluxation Degeneration is seen in subluxations that have been present for up to twenty years.  This phase is characterized with a loss or change in the normal curve in the spine.  On this example you can see that the normal forward (lordotic) curve is lost.  This spine even has developed a reverse curve in the neck.  The disc spaces have also begun to exhibit a slight change in shape.  One good point is that the bodies of each of the vertebrae (the square part in front) still exhibits clean clear borders.  Segmental motion  may be abnormal but overall motion is probably not affected.  Chiropractic reconstructive care for a phase one can take from 6 to 18 months.  More than 80% of people with Phase One Subluxation Degeneration have no pain.  Therefore, if left uncorrected, phase one continues to progress with time until it eventually reaches the next phase.

Phase Two Subluxation Degeneration 

Phase two subluxation degeneration is normally seen in subluxations that have been present between 20 and 40 years.  This phase has some of the same characteristics of the previous phase including a loss of normal curvature and position as well as an alteration in segmental motion.  In addition, spines with Phase Two Subluxation Degeneration many times show a reduction in the patient's range of motion in that area.  X-rays of a phase two begin to show calcium changes or buildup at certain levels of the spine.  These changes are sometimes called by many names including spurs and arthritis.  Disc spaces between the affected vertebrae are noticeably narrower and may appear to be flattening out.  Although most people with Phase Two Subluxation Degeneration may not exhibit any symptoms, some may start to feel stiff or achy.  Chiropractic reconstructive care for patients in phase two ranges from 1.5 years to 2.5 years.  Again, if Phase Two Subluxation Degeneration is left uncorrected it slowly advances to the next phase.

Phase Three  Subluxation Degeneration 

Phase Three Subluxation Degeneration is caused by subluxations that have been continuing on for between 40 and 65 years.  This phase has all of the attributes of the previous phases, only worse.  The curvatures are abnormal, the disc spaces are vastly decreased and changed.  Calcium changes on the spine are abundant in this phase.  Normally, people in phase three have a restricted range of motion and probably exhibit symptoms of some kind.  In phase three the vertebrae show obvious changes and mutations in shape.  Projections made of calcium, sometimes referred to as "spurs or lipping", can be readily seen on x-ray.  Chiropractic reconstructive care for patients in phase three ranges from 2.5 years to 3.5 years.  This does not mean that at the end of this time that any or all of the calcium changes will be gone.  In many instances the body adapts to the presence of the calcium and positive changes can only be measured from a functional standpoint.  As before, if Phase Three Subluxation Degeneration is left unchecked it slowly advances onward into the next phase.

Phase Four Subluxation Degeneration 

Phase four subluxation degeneration is seen with subluxations that have been raging on uncorrected or altered for over sixty five years.  Phase four is a grave condition that will negatively affect the patients longevity and quality of life.  The massive amount of neurological damage caused by years of subluxation that have lead to phase four are probably taking a serious toll on this person's health status.  X-rays in phase four show serious severe structural changes.  Vertebrae exhibit massive calcium changes, disc spaces appear blurred, and the bones themselves appear fused.  In this scenario the patient will have a severe restriction of range of motion in addition to probably a number of other health issues.  Reconstruction may not be possible in phase four, but care can be directed to some reduction in subluxation with the goal of improvement in the quality of life remaining.  Patients in Phase Four Subluxation Degeneration have a serious situation both structurally and neurologically, but they are certainly not beyond hope.  Many patients in phase four report significant improvements in symptoms, conditions, mobility and quality of life.
(We have seen patients under 65 have severe subluxation like this)

It should be noted that the above are common guidelines and not hard rules.  Every person is dynamic and different.  People degenerate at different rates and heal at different rates.  The further along your spine may be with subluxation degeneration the more strenuous and time consuming your road to improvement will be.  For this reason we always stress early care to stop and prevent the advancement of subluxation degeneration.  Of course, if you're not under chiropractic care, the best time to start is NOW!
 From: NYCLC.com

Monday, August 15, 2011

To Shed Pounds, You MUST Eliminate This from What You Eat

Being that it is summer, people are interested in loosing weight.  This is something that we found on Dr. Mercola's site and we thought you would like it.  It's a little lengthy, but it's worth the read whether you want to loose weight or just to get rid of some unhealthy foods from your diet.  
 Yours in Health

To be thin, you need to make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active. Yahoo Shine has made a list of nutritious, wholesome foods that can help keep you slender. Here are some of them:

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Science of Changing Your Mind

What we know at New York Chiropractic Life Center is that your Central Nervous System controls and coordinates all functions.... We also know that self care is as important as health care... Self care is what you do and health care is what your chiropractor will do....

enjoy these videos of Dr. Joe Dispenza.... The Science of Changing Your Mind








to get more of Dr. Joe Dispenze D.C.  go HERE

and for more health and wellness info... stay tuned here at NYCLC's Blog where your health is always first!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Toxic Foods You Want To AVOID At All Costs

Searching the internet, we came across this, and wanted to share it with you.  Enjoy good foods and stay away from these 6 below!

It’s really hard to avoid toxic food because almost everything in the supermarket is full of chemicals, so I’ve put together a list of the Top 6 less obvious foods that we should NEVER put in our body.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Chiropractic Care Helping Disabled War Veterans Realize Their Potential In Triathlon Series

Chiropractic focuses on improving human potential.  The focus is to maximize your neurological performance.... Your neurology (Nervous System) controls and coordinates all body functions.  Another way to think about it is that you interact with your internal and external environment  (physically, chemically, and emotionally).  Chiropractic finds where there is a communication is not working clearly (spinal subluxations) and works on correcting/re-connecting the nervous system

Chiropractic Care Helping Disabled War Veterans Realize Their Potential In Triathlon Series

An article in the September 4, 2008 Market Watch by the The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress reported on how chiropractic care was helping disabled war veterans

Monday, July 25, 2011

Back Pain Sufferers Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Up to 85% of us will suffer from back pain in our lives..... a large percentage of that will come from delayed care of your spine.  It is similar to waiting for a cavity to occur before you start brushing your teeth.  Chiropractic has been helping improve peoples lives since 1895 without the use of drugs or surgery.  We are the only doctors that are able to do what we do, hands on, to help people from pain, discomfort, and dis-eased bodies.  

Back pain cases are the an easy entry point for people to go to a chiropractor.  Usually with back pain comes other health issues that you may not know are related.  Most of the time people get more than they bargained for when showing up at a chiropractor.   

Back Pain Sufferers Benefit From Chiropractic Care

A study published in the June 2010 issue of The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, showed that people who used what the study called "Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)" received a "great deal" of benefit. Chiropractic was included in what this medical study defined as CAM care.

The study received attention in a number of news stories including an article in the July 4, 2010 Medical News Today, and in a June 30, 2010 Business Wire release by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. The study surveyed people who had suffered from back pain and had used at least one CAM therapy in the last 12 months. Of these participants the results showed that over 60% found remarkable relief using the top six CAM treatments. Those treatments were chiropractic care, massage, yoga/tai chi/qi Cong, acupuncture, herbal therapies, and relaxation techniques - with chiropractic care being the most popular choice.

The Medical News Today story reported that back pain is the second leading reason people walk into a doctor's office in the U.S. The survey looked at a total of 17 CAM therapies choices. Of those, Chiropractic care was the most popular approach at 74 percent, with massage a distant second at 22 percent.

Dr. Gerard Clum, Foundation for Chiropractic Progress spokesperson and president of Life Chiropractic College West noted, "What we are seeing with these studies is compelling evidence that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for back pain sufferers more and more, that light is chiropractic care and other CAM approaches."

One of the interesting findings of the study was that an overwhelming number of the people in the survey did not go to a CAM practitioner because of a referral from a medical doctor. In fact only 24 percent of respondents with back pain who received CAM stated that care came at the suggestion of their conventional medical practitioner.
In their study conclusion, the authors of the study stated, "CAM is used by 40% to 60% of the population yearly, and back pain is the most common medical condition for which people use CAM. Using a nationally representative survey, our analyses documented that the majority of respondents who used CAM for back pain perceived great benefit and identified specific factors associated with perceived benefit."

In the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress release on the study Dr. Clum summed up the study by stating, "Back pain sufferers should be made aware of all treatment options, especially alternatives that have been scientifically proven to provide relief. While chiropractic care has in the past been considered alternative there is now a case to be made for making it the first choice for patients and in the process making interventions like injections and surgery the alternative approach."

Article From:  NYCLC.com

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heat Wave

Hey Everyone.... If you are in the NortthEast like we are here at New York Chiropractic, we have and will be experiencing  temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.  Today we probably will be at a record temp today of 115 degrees..... WOW.  

Please make sure you are drinking a LOT of water.  Reach for a gallon of WATER (not soda, not coffee, not tea, JUST WATER) on days like this.

Here are a few tips for you...  National Weather Service Link .  Here is the RedCross info sheet...CheckList.
Here is one last piece on heatwaves from NOAA

And remember at New York Chiropractic, we work on function... so if you get adjusted during a heatwave your body will be functioning at its peak potential!!!

Go to your Chiropractor and get Adjusted!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chiropractic Care and the Next Ten Years

Since 1895, the birth of Chiropractic, people have been experiencing amazing health, more longevity, more energy, and less health problems than ever before.  A healthcare profession that focuses on finding the cause of declined health -vs- just trying to do our best to hide symptoms of all sorts.  In 2011, Chiropractors are the most used  "Alternative Healthcare" providers used.  The funny thing is that the profession, that promotes improving health (like chiropractors) are called alternative and the ones that put dangerous chemicals and toxins into the body and cut things out are considered mainstream.  
What is wrong with this picture?  People should be using medicine as a last resort, not as their primary means of trying to stay healthy.  Do your best to get and stay healthy without the use of surgery!  We can help!!!!
DD Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care and the Next Ten Years
It is very possible to have a rewarding, fulfilling life when one's health is not good. But most people would acknowledge that good health, or at least improving health, helps to make the road much easier. With good health one has more energy, and with more energy one can do more things.

The Next 10 Years... Where will you be?

Us at The New York Chiropractic Life Center, we live in the now, and work hard for our lives to be better in all dimensions.  Health, Family, Relationships and Finances all need to be worked on, on a regular basis.  Life does not stand still... we live in a continuum where all the choices we make bring us closer to what we want or farther from what we want in all categories of life.  Evaluate yourself and see where you can bring yourself closer to what you want.
The Next 10 Years
What does the future hold in store? None of us can know with certainty, although some predictions are possible. Stock market indexes will rise. Then they'll fall. Then everyone will hope that the indexes will rise again. Hemlines will fall. Then they'll rise. Then in two or three years they'll fall again.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lower Your Blood Pressure With A Chiropractic Visit

Americans suffer from being trained by Big Pharma.... Everyone wants the magic bullet for their health.  They want drugs to wake them up, put them to sleep, to make us more alert, to calm us down, to help gain weight, to help us loose weight...  and there are many more than that.  

What if your body was just working correctly so you could perform and function the way you should without all the un-necessary medications and surgeries.  Chiropractic offers that to you.  Healthy blood pressure is one of the many functions in the human body that is regulated by the Nervous System.  Chiropractic directly works with the Nervous System to make sure it is performing the best that it can.  

Below is a story of just how another person was saved by a Chiropractor....  what will your story be?

Some Lower Blood Pressure With Chiropractic Visit

The above headline comes from a May 6, 2010 feature story on the Pittsburgh, PA, TV News station

Monday, July 11, 2011

Migraine Sufferers Helped By Chiropractic Reported In News Stories

We know this is from 2007, but when your life changes because you are under chiropractic care, that is something we love.  Those who suffer from migraines should consider going after the cause of the migraine through chiropractic, rather than chasing the symptom of the migraines with medications that have dangerous side effects.  

Several news stories appeared in the general press citing cases of migraine sufferers being helped by chiropractic care. One such story appeared on the June 7, 2007 WIStv.com, one in the June 6th Times Plus of Wisconsin and still another on the June 4, 2007 Boston channel 2 news. These stories noted that migranes affect nearly 28 million people and cost an estimated $13 billion a year in reduced productivity.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Did You Know...about sleep

...that the body requires a specific number of hours of sleep each night to function properly?

Scientists have discussed and disagreed over this statement for many years, however, a 2005 study
has reported that there is a recognized result from not getting enough sleep and, while specific hours
may vary slightly, there is a rule of thumb that should be followed. Yes, different age groups do have different sleep requirements but these are also based upon the individual. One person may do just fine with seven hours of sleep while someone else could require nine.

According to the National Sleep Foundation there is also something to consider and that is the interaction between the basal need and what they call “sleep debt”. If an individual has missed a few hours of sleep for more than a few nights then they can actually owe their body those hours of sleep. This sleep debt can then cause symptoms of sleep deprivation as if the person did not actually get their required amount of sleep that night.

Besides difficulty getting up in the morning or a feeling of sleepiness throughout the day, sleep
deprivation has been linked with several consequences such as increased appetite, dffculty concentrating, depression and even substance abuse. However, recent studies suggest that sleep debt can be “paid off ” by
getting a few extra hours of sleep when possible.

While there is no specific “magic number” of hours required, there is a general rule of thumb that should be followed based on age.

Newborns (0 to 2 months) need 12-18 hours

Infants (3 to 12 months) need 14-15 hours

Toddlers (1 to 3 years) need 12-14 hours

Preschoolers (3 to 5 years) need 11-13 hours

School-age Children (5 to 10 years) need
10-11 hours

Teens (10 to 17 years) need 8½-9¼ hours

Adults (18 years and older) need 7-9 hours

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Happy July 4th Everyone!!!!

Here at NY Chiropractic we love this holiday.  It's time to spend time with our family and friends and to celebrate what we have.  So on this day, celebrate everything you have.... including your health!!!!

Here's some history on our holiday:

Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, political speeches and ceremonies, and various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the national day of the United States.  Read More

Monday, June 27, 2011

Chiropractic Adjustments Help Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Pain) In Case Series

In the March 2008, issue of the the scientific periodical, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), is a case series documenting specific chiropractic techniques helping women suffering from monthly menstrual pains. This study looked at the effect of specific chiropractic adjustments on women who suffered with monthly menstrual pains from dysmenorrhea.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Study Shows Chiropractic Safe For Post Disc Surgery Patients

A research article published on April 21, 2010 in the journal, Chiropractic & Osteopathy from Melbourne Australia, looked at the safety of chiropractic care for patients who had previously had disc replacement surgery.
The study notes that spinal disc replacement surgery is becoming more popular. They also report that after such surgery it is common for patients to experience soreness and stiffness of the lumbopelvic region. Many of these people then turn to chiropractic care in the hopes of improvement from these post surgical problems. This study was designed to look at the safety of chiropractic care after the surgery.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

Father's day was first observed in 1908 in West Virginia.... (Click Here for the History).

Celebrate your Father any way you can.  Whether it be a card, a present, or simply an I Love You, share some gratitude with them.

Here at New York Chiropractic we wish all of you Father's a happy father's day.

Happy Father's Day Dad!!!!

-Love the Handt Family and NYCLC

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Six Times More Measles Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports Than Measles Cases in 2011

When considering making decisions about your family's health and well being read this article about Measles.... There is a very large risk in taking any vaccine.  Let this article about one of the many vaccines given during childhood spark some interest to look deeper into the vaccine controversy and why more and more people are opting to NOT vaccinate their children.
from Wikipedia

Article from The Refusers

Sounds scary and makes you want to run out and get a MMR vaccine shot, doesn’t it? The only problem with that hysteria is that there have been 698 FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports related to MMR, MMRV (MMR plus varicella) and measles vaccines in 2011 — including 4 deaths and 280 emergency room visits. 698 VAERS reports are almost six times more than the number of measles cases. Keep in mind that former FDA Commissioner David Kessler wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association that “only about 1% of serious adverse events are reported to the FDA.” (JAMA. 1993;269(21):2765-2768. A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Events and Product Problems). So 698 adverse reactions to measles vaccines in 2011 may be just the tip of the iceberg.
But (of course) the FDA and CDC couldn’t care less about VAERS reports or vaccine adverse reaction victims. In fact they would read my comments and declare that all those adverse reactions are coincidences. That is why parents need to do their own homework on safety before getting any vaccine. You can duplicate these VAERS numbers and cases yourself at www.medalerts.org. A few sample 2011 VAERS reports from this analysis are posted below. Please read them and consider the victims. These are probably tomorrow’s autistic kids, as you will notice most of these reports show severe neurological events (encephalitis, meningitis, seizures) shortly after vaccination. This is exactly the catastrophe that parents of autistic kids observe before their children descend into autism. Encephalitis is deemed a coincidence when caused by vaccination, but is declared a public health emergency when caused by a disease. Many of these VAERS reports involve multiple vaccines, which does NOT absolve the MMR vaccine from neurovirulence, rather it indicts the authorities who recommend (and doctors who administer) simultaneous vaccine combinations without any safety studies regarding the consequences. An analogy is: You were the victim of a multi-vehicle, chain-reaction, hit-and-run accident on the Atlanta freeway and you don’t know which CDC official, drug company executive or pediatrician driver caused the accident, because they all fled the scene of the crime.
Found 593 events where Vaccine is MMR and Submission Date on/after ’2011-01-01′
Found 97 events where Vaccine is MMRV and Submission Date on/after ’2011-01-01′
Found 8 events where Vaccine is MEA and Submission Date on/after ’2011-01-01′
Total 698 total VAERS reports related to measles vaccines in 2011
VAERS ID:    417993     Age:    1.2
MMR    MERCK & CO. INC.    0446F    0    UN    UN
Symptoms: Death, Otitis media, Respiratory tract infection bacterial, Sepsis
Write-up: Case of fatal outcome received from the health authorities (Lareb) on 25-FEB-2011 under the reference number NL-LRB-117632 (reference number: RIVM201001397). Case medically confirmed. Initial source was a physician. Case reported as serious by the Lareb (criterion: death, hospitalization). Upon internal review, the company added the following seriousness criterion: Other medically important event (septicaemia). A 12 month (1 year) old male patient had received the first 0.5 ml dose of MMR II (also reported as rHA) (Batch# NE03580; Lot# 653951/0446F) and a 0.5 ml dose of NEISVAC-C (Lot# VNS1A03C) on 21-JAN-2008. There was no information reported on medical history and on concomitant medication. The patient experienced otitis media, respiratory tract infection bacterial and septicaemia. No latency was reported. The adverse events were respectively reported with the following outcomes: “not recovered”, “fatal” and “fatal”. All MedDRA LLT have “primary source reaction: death 13 days after the vaccination” (i.e. death on 03-FEB-2008). Other business partner number included E2011-01248. A lot check has been initiated. Additional information is not expected.
VAERS ID:    417438      Vaccinated:    2011-02-07
Age:    1.0      Onset:    2011-02-10, Days after vaccination: 3
MMRV    MERCK & CO. INC.    0693Z    0    IM    RA
PNC13    PFIZER/WYETH    E80083    0    IM    RL
Symptoms: Blood test, Computerised tomogram head, Lethargy, Somnolence
SMQs:, Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Dementia (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad)
Write-up: Mom referred that patient was lethargic, difficult to wake up. Event happened 3 days post vaccine.
VAERS ID:    417978      Vaccinated:    2011-03-01
Age:    4.0      Onset:    2011-03-02, Days after vaccination: 1
MMRV    MERCK & CO. INC.    1364Z         SC    LL
Symptoms: Computerised tomogram head, Computerised tomogram normal, Convulsion
SMQs:, Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad)
Write-up: Generalized seizure within 24 hrs.
VAERS ID:    418088      Vaccinated:    2011-02-21
Age:    1.3      Onset:    2011-03-01, Days after vaccination: 8
Gender:    Female
MMRV    MERCK & CO. INC.    0184Z    0    SC    LL
Symptoms: Blood albumin decreased, Blood creatinine decreased, Blood culture negative, Blood glucose increased, Blood potassium increased, Bronchiolitis, Bronchitis, Chest X-ray abnormal, Convulsion, Cough, Febrile convulsion, Granulocyte percentage, Influenza virus test negative, Lymphocyte percentage increased, Monocyte percentage increased, Neutrophil percentage decreased, Otitis media, Protein total decreased, Pyrexia, Respiratory syncytial virus test negative, Respiratory tract congestion, Staring, Tympanic membrane disorder, Unresponsive to stimuli, Urine analysis normal,
White blood cell count decreased
SMQs:, Anaphylactic reaction (broad), Haematopoietic leukopenia (narrow), Hyperglycaemia/new onset diabetes mellitus (narrow), Interstitial lung disease (narrow), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Eosinophilic pneumonia (broad), Hearing impairment (narrow)
Write-up: Febrile seizure on 3/1/11.
VAERS ID:    418265      Vaccinated:    2011-02-23
Age:    4.0      Onset:    2011-02-24, Days after vaccination: 1
Gender:    Female
MMRV    MERCK & CO. INC.    0187Z    0    SC    RA
Symptoms: Abdominal discomfort, Anxiety, Crying, Drug screen, Drug screen negative, Electroencephalogram, Electroencephalogram normal, Formication, Hallucination, visual, Injection site erythema, Injection site pain, Injection site rash, Injection site warmth, Irritability, Malaise, Mental status changes, Nightmare, Psychotic behaviour, Pyrexia, Screaming, Vaccination complication
SMQs:, Peripheral neuropathy (broad), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Dementia (broad), Drug abuse (broad), Gastrointestinal perforation, ulcer, haemorrhage, obstruction non-specific findings/procedures (broad), Psychosis and psychotic disorders (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Extravasation events (injections, infusions and implants) (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Hostility/aggression (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Depression (excl suicide and self injury) (broad)
Write-up: Child became anxious and stated not feeling well around 12 a.m on 2/25/11. Around 1:00 a.m. started hallucinating seeing people who were not there, snakes and lizards crawling on her and biting her, screaming and crying lasted approximately 10 hrs. On 2/27/11 right arm became red with rash to upper arm and warm to touch.
VAERS ID:    419422      Vaccinated:    2011-03-22
Age:    1.0      Onset:    2011-03-22, Days after vaccination: 0
Gender:    Male
MMRV    MERCK & CO. INC.    0648Z    0    SC    UN
Symptoms: Atelectasis, Blood culture negative, CSF culture negative, CSF glucose increased, Chest X-ray abnormal, Chills, Computerised tomogram abnormal, Computerised tomogram head, Convulsion, Culture wound negative, Dermatitis diaper, Diarrhoea, Fatigue, Febrile convulsion, Headache, Irritability, Lymphocyte percentage increased, Musculoskeletal stiffness, Neutrophil percentage decreased, Otitis media, Otitis media acute, Purulent discharge, Pyrexia, Red blood cells CSF positive, Respiratory tract congestion, Rhinorrhoea, Sinus disorder, Sinusitis, Skin discolouration, Status epilepticus, Tonic clonic movements, Tremor, Unresponsive to stimuli, Urine analysis normal, White blood cell count normal
SMQs:, Haematopoietic leukopenia (broad), Hyperglycaemia/new onset diabetes mellitus (broad), Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Pseudomembranous colitis (broad), Dystonia (broad), Parkinson-like events (broad), Guillain-Barre syndrome (broad), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Gastrointestinal nonspecific symptoms and therapeutic procedures (narrow), Hostility/aggression (broad), Cardiomyopathy (broad), Conditions associated with central nervous system haemorrhages and cerebrovascular accidents (broad)
Write-up: Complex febrile status epilepticus lasting over 30 minutes, generalized, requiring medication to stop seizure.