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.... look below for our most recent post.... and remember that you can become a fan on FACEBOOK, follow us on TWITTER, and get more information about us on our Web Site. Your family's health and wellbeing are at the top of the priority list.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Non Vaccinated Children are Healthier

To vaccinate or not vaccinate is a very controversial issue all over the world.  The study below shows the benefits of non vaccinating.  We urge you to choose wisely when making this decision for you of your family.  We can't do it for you... We can only inform.  

Drs. Josh and Morgan Handt and their brother Ryan have never been vaccinated.  They rarely get sick...  All of them have chose to live a Chiropractic Lifestyle that includes eating healthy, exercising, positive thinking, and regular chiropractic adjustments.  

If you want the best for your family as we do, make smart choices and quit living your life as a crisis motivated person, and become a lifestyle motivated person.  Create your own future!!!!

Look at these stats below and you can link to the main article below.

A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have more than twice the diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children, and perhaps five times more of certain disorders.

Read the full article here.... 

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis

This article piggy backs the last article from earlier today.....

100 Year Lifestyle NYC

 Prescription drug abuse is out of control. Every day we hear stories in the news about celebrities, adults, and kids who have experienced the consequences of prescription drug abuse and have either died, been injured, or had to be admitted into some form of rehabilitation center. It is hard to believe that those little pills can grab such a powerful hold on your mind and body and spin your life out of control.

Problematic Pain Killers

In a world filled with over the counter and prescription drugs on every TV channel, magazine, newspaper, and radio station, it's hard to understand why people think they need them.  From everyday people, to celebrities dying from overdosing or just regular use, we would think society would have a wake up call.  If you crashed six jumbo jets per day every day of the year (2190 planes and 783,936 people) and killed everyone on all of the planes, that is how many people are killed per year by prescription drugs.  That's in the USA only!!!!!   

Are we blind to the facts...?  Why are we making pharmaceutical companies rich?  They are the leading cause of death in the USA.  Consider using health care, not sick care. Chiropractic is the leading hands on non drug based, non surgical form of health care on the planet.  Health comes from the inside out... not the outside in and it happens no other way.