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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

iPad/ iPhone/ Android/ Blackeberry/ Smartphone and Video Game Posture

Technological advances have helped us in areas like communication, the gathering of information, in saving memories (pictures), and in staying in touch with eachother (social networks- Facebook). 

As a Chiropractor, I see those benefits, and I also see how these technologies can interfere with your health.  They can actually take years off of your life.  We know that in an emergency situation, medical technology can save a life.  Please realize that medical technology can only save you when you have an emergency or when you let your health decline so severely that you need medical intervention.

The problem with technologies like iPhones, iPads, Blackberrys, and portable gaming devices is that they cause a cascade of health issues stemming from forward head translation.

Forward head posture not only looks bad, it is detrimental to your life.  Look at the picture below...
Poor posture on iPad
The weight of your head on your body increases the farther forward it gets.  Picture yourself holing a 15lb dumbbell in front of you for a whole day.... it would be pretty tough... probably impossible.   
This process takes time, but inevitably happens when you are consistently looking down. 
Are you reading this on your phone or iPad right now? Where's your head? 
If you are at work or in a public place, look at how many people are are looking with their head down at a phone. 

So what really happens when your posture changes.... is it that bad?  Life insurance actuary's say that when you have a significant forward head posture, you take 14 years off of your life....Can you believe that?  
What do they know that you may not?  What we need to understand that the spine is just 24 moving vertebrae with a sacrum and coccyx (tail bone) at the bottom.  At the top we are attached to the skull.  What most of us don't even think about is what's inside our skull and spinal column...  Only the most important organ system in the body... the Nervous System.  
The nervous system is pretty amazing.  It controls and coordinates all cells, tissues, and organs in your body.  It's the main communication center of the human body.  When the communication is clear your body works at 100%.  So that means that when there is no interference to the nervous system you are the healthiest that you can possibly be. So if there is interference to your nervous system at any time, you are not functioning at 100% anymore. Your health and life are decreasing without you even knowing it!    

When the spinal column is out of it's normal position, it puts stress and tension on the nervous system, this is called a vertebral subluxation. When this occurs, most of the time it does not cause any pain or discomfort.  So if you have these vertebral subluxations in your spine which interfere with nervous system function, you are ultimately decreasing your life expression.... you are moving away from health and vitality.  

Chiropractors are the only health profession that has extensive training on analyzing, detecting, and correcting Vertebral Subluxations  Yes, most of you may have thought that we only deal with pain, but in reality we work with your nervous system to improve and restore your life. It's been the focus of the profession for over a century.  

So if you are thinking, "wow, that's me, that's my posture, I wonder if I have vertebral subluxations," consult your local chiropractor.  

If you are in NYC, and want that family wellness based care, I invite you to our office... The New York Chiropractic Life Center, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  For more information on chiropractic visit our website www.NewYorkChiropractic.com  
If you are in New City, NY Handt Family Chiropractic will be opening the summer of 2011

Thanks for your time.  


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