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Friday, August 5, 2011

Toxic Foods You Want To AVOID At All Costs

Searching the internet, we came across this, and wanted to share it with you.  Enjoy good foods and stay away from these 6 below!

It’s really hard to avoid toxic food because almost everything in the supermarket is full of chemicals, so I’ve put together a list of the Top 6 less obvious foods that we should NEVER put in our body.
1. MARGARINE: This tub of yellow coloured, chemically flavoured trans-fat is probably the most toxic food you could possibly eat. Those TV ads that tell us its good for us because its made from plants is a total lie. Your body has no idea how to process margarine because it is so far from anything remotely natural or recognizable. Just buy butter, which is pure cream, churned with water and salt or even better organic butter which is full of vitamins, minerals and good fatty acids.
2. CANNED TOMATOES: Cans are lined with plastic containing BPA – a synthetic estrogen that is highly carcinogenic. This leaches into our foods and since most canned products have BPA in them, and because tomatoes are highly acidic really they melt that BPA lining making the contents pretty toxic. It’s really easy to buy tomato products in glass jars instead (or use fresh tomatoes). See the Choice website for a list of BPA levels across different brands.
3. MICROWAVE POPCORN: The bag holding the popping corn is made up of a toxic mix of chemicals including perfluorooctanoic acid (part of a class of compounds that has been linked to infertility & cancer). Studies show that microwaving causes these chemicals to vaporize—and migrate into our popcorn…nice! Manufacturers have promised to phase out these chemicals by 2015 so until then, we need to pop the kernelson the stove top.
4. POTATOES (NON-ORGANIC): The poor conventionally grown potato is sprayed with that many fungicides & pesticides that they are absorbed all the way through the vegetable. Apparently all potato farmers all have separate plots where they grow potatoes for themselves without all the chemicals. Organic potatoes are only $1 or so more a bag at Woolworth’s.
5. CONVENTIONALLY GROWN APPLES: I was sad to hear this news but out of all the fruit we can buy, apples are the most doused in toxic chemicals, some are sprayed with more than 40 different pesticides! That’s is a lot of toxins for us and our children’s little bodies. Unfortunately you can’t just wash this stuff off, so we need to buy organic apples instead. Organic apples are cheaper than the regular apples at Woollworths at the moment and they taste so much better too.
6. CANOLA OIL: ‘Canola’ sounds harmless but it is actually a made up name for a man made oil genetically engineered from the toxic rapeseed plant. There is absolutely nothing remotely natural or healthy about this product and the long term effects are totaly unknown. When heating anything at really high temperatures only use organic coconut oil and for all general cooking use a good olive oil (or coconut oil).
Sources: The Daily Green, Dr Mercola, Choice Australia, Environmental Working Group

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