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Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/11 - 2 Articles worth reading...The WTC, Gone But Not Forgotten

Chiropractic Care was provided in NYC at Ground Zero right after 9/11/01  Free Care was given to all the workers and volunteers to the value of $1.5 million dollars.  There are 2 articles below... please read them both.  Never Forget the events that happened on 9/11/01.


Study reviews chiropractic efforts at 9-11 rescue sites ( from WCA)

Chandler, Ariz -- On 9-11-01, when America was wounded and needed healing, doctors of chiropractic were among the first health care providers at the disaster sites.
The New York Chiropractic leadership coordinated with the American Red Cross to credential some 1,500 doctors from state, national, and international associations. Chiropractors worked at five relief sites, including one just yards from the rubble of the Twin Towers, and gave adjustments around the clock. By May 30, 2002, more than $1.5 million in chiropractic services had been donated.
An article published in the current Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR), a peer-reviewed, scientific journal, examines the massive effort put forth by chiropractors during this period, and the impact their service had on relief workers.
Madeline Behrendt, DC, Associate Editor of JVSR and co-author of the article “Chiropractic Rescue and the American Tragedy: The Chiropractic Relief Effort at Ground Zero” states: “This article reflects chiropractic’s commitment to never forget the 40,000 workers and volunteers who provided rescue, recovery, and restoration services at the WTC disaster site. In addition, it serves to promote the spirit of public service in future generations of chiropractors.”
The report expresses the hope, hurt, and healing that was part of the day-to-day reality of the relief efforts, and shows vividly how popular chiropractic care was among rescuers and workers. Chiropractic sites were packed with those wanting adjustments, even at 3 a.m., and at times were so crowded they had to be closed by the Fire Marshal.
Exhausted workers streamed to the sites during their breaks and after their shifts to get adjusted. John Przybylak, DC, co-author of the article, notes that many State Troopers didn’t want to remove their bullet-proof vests during the procedure. “They were guessing that my hands could penetrate where bullets couldn’t reach,” Dr. Przybylak says. The workers reactions to the care included more than deep breaths and sighs. Often, they shared stories with the doctors about what they had experienced, or about people who were missing.
According to the article, a University of Delaware research paper commentary on volunteers and disaster services specifically recognized the chiropractic volunteer contingent for its smooth collaboration with officials and others at the scene, producing no management or logistical problems.
Chiropractic volunteers were exposed to environmental toxins and heavy metals at the site and have been contacted to participate in the World Trade Center Worker Health Survey.
“From an event that produced so much pain, the American spirit rose up and responded with great heart and community,” Dr. Behrendt commented. “Chiropractic is honored to have been a formal part of this successful response. Chiropractors have also served in other hostile environments, including in military bases overseas providing chiropractic services for their comrades in times of war.”
This article is the first in a special issue of JVSR devoted to “Chiropractic’s Impact in Society.” Topics of upcoming articles include: missions for the homeless, working with battered women, the link between spinal health and mental health (specifically anxiety), addiction, and chiropractic’s role in the creative class.
The Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research is published by the World Chiropractic Alliance, is an international organization representing doctors of chiropractic that promotes traditional, drug-free and non-invasive chiropractic to correct vertebral subluxations. The WCA is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information.
Abstracts for JVSR research reports are available at http://www.jvsr.com

Here's another article from Planet Chiropractic:

9/11 One Decade In: Promises Made, Promises Kept?
planetc1.com-news@4:29 pm PST email to the editor
By Dr. Madeline Behrendt, D.C.On September 11, 2001 America’s nervous system suffered a massive insult, overloading all physical and emotional stress circuits. We became stronger, increasing our compassion, capacity, and production. We became more fragile, and so many made promises, seeking a little something, some substance, with all of life’s sauce.
September 11, 2011 marks a decade of life "after." America’s nervous system has a new set of stresses and needs care more than ever. As this observance reconnects us to the commotion and emotion of the 9/11 experience, are the promises of 2001 on minds dealing with 2011?

I promised to document Chiropractic activities in our Society. The result was a special issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR) visiting some of Chiropractic’s most dedicated and featuring their projects including: Chiropractic for Humanity’s on-site adjustment in NYC soup kitchens and shelters; identifying Red Flags in care of Battered Women; tracking Chiropractic’s benefits for the anxious, andChiropractors and creativity. Yet one story still called to me.
Because what I remember most about 9/11 is not that day, but the days after – theoutpouring of people at their best, asking how they can help and what can they do tomake life better. I shared in this rising tone by developing "Chiropractic Rescue and the American Tragedy: the Chiropractic Relief Efforts at Ground Zero.” Perhaps this story of Chiropractors providing adjustments at Ground Zero respite centers offered readers some progress in reclaiming dignity and humanity. Certainly Chiropractors were a perfect fit for what the workers needed: offering care and caring to remove nerve interference and improve stress response, and helping tired bodies track properly so workers could finish their missions.
I was moved by how people responded to the story: the press release was ranked #1 on the Newswise Top Hits report for the June 2004 MedNews stories, leading in the number of hits over medical press releases from the Mayo Clinic and Harvard.
Since then, the promise of service has never wavered for Chiropractic; missions provide Chiropractic adjustments to the underserved all over the world. Here at home, the "Healing Hands 4 Heroes” campaign provides a donated course of Chiropractic care for the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, in New Jersey nearly 200 Chiropractors are helping our veterans heal, and additional states are on board.
Life moves and promises take on a different shape. I’ve returned to my roots, in the creative center of the world I help creative talent thrive, while continuing my work promoting Women’s Wellness, especially fertility. What moves have your promises seen over the past decade?
You can revisit Chiropractic’s moments at Ground Zero – the first person accounts and comments from the NYC Police Commissioner still give me goose bumps. I wrote about the process of creating the story in "Anything, Nothing, and Everything,” my contribution to Dr. Liz Anderson-Peacock’s book Pearls of Wisdom, and she has graciously allowed an excerpt to be reprinted.
My love to all those wounded by the actions of 9/11, and my best to all who are marking this moment, may our new promises guide us to an even stronger life. drmadelinebehrendtdc@gmail.com 

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