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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Human Potential and the Tough Mudder

Human Potential... what are we really capable of?  What system in our body really determines what we are capable of? Does the human spirit play a role in maximizing your potential?  Why do some people choose to do things to challenge their potential?

(Dr. Josh Handt-Pre-Tough Mudder)

On October 12th, 2011 I (Dr. Josh Handt) competed in and completed the Tri-State Tough Mudder.  The course consisted of running 12 miles and during those 12 miles 35 obstacles designed by the British Special Forces.  Their slogan is " Probably the toughest event on the planet".  This is the reason I chose to do it.  It was more than just a distance run, more than a triathlon sprint, and more than just going to the gym for a couple of hours.  It just seemed crazy, and when I read that not every person finishes, I decided I needed to do it to FINISH.  

With my Chiropractic education, and extensive studying in the Principles of Chiropractic, I understand what the human body is capable of accomplishing.  Understanding that the human body has an inner wisdom that organizes all the body's functions to not only survive, but thrive through life.  That wisdom uses the nervous system to as a conduit to the physical body.  You may think that sounds weird, but think about what's the difference between someone who is alive and someone who is dead? No it's not the heart beat... it's the absence of that wisdom controlling the Nervous System (which is the master control system of the body).  Just think about it... You can live without food and water for many days, without oxygen for minutes, and you can take the heart out of the body without a person dying, as long as they keep the brain body connection.  Once the nervous system checks out, you are dead instantly... before you hit the floor.
(Dr. Josh Handt_Over a Muddy Mound)

So it makes sense that since Chiropractic maximizes nervous system function through spinal adjustments, you are able to maximize human potential.  So, with all my fear, nervousness, and excitement about doing the Tough Mudder; I knew that if I was adjusted and had my nervous system free from interference, I would do the best I could do!  I don't want you to think I went into this thing cold turkey, I trained also.  My training consisted of running, lifting weights, healthy nutrition and chiropractic adjustments every week.

The race went well, and I finished and finished strong.  It was an amazing experience for me mentally and physically.  I've done many events in life like firewalks, high ropes courses, rock climbing, and sweat lodges... This may be one of the toughest things I have done.  I plan on doing many more.  Challenging yourself is one of the best ways to grow.  Learning and growing from this type of experience opens your eyes to possibility.

Thanks for Reading,
-Dr. Josh Handt 

PS-look for a video on the race coming soon.  ( I wore a GoPro HD Hero during the Race)

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