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Friday, February 10, 2012

Largest National Nurses Union Opposes Mandatory Flu Vaccination as Condition of Employment

This news just in.... Healthcare workers are refusing un-necessary vaccines.... The very infamous FLU vaccine gets turned down again.  I guess big pharma will make just a little less this year.

Article from National Nurses United and found on NVIC

Nurses also call for Pharma representatives to step down from federal vaccine board and include a direct-care RN

Hospital-based registered nurses, who are members of National Nurses United, will make a statement before the Health and Human Services National Vaccine Advisory Committee in a public forum on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.  NNU, with 170,000 RN members, is the largest professional association and union of direct-care registered nurses in the United States, with more than 95 percent of the nurses working in acute-care hospitals.

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