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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Did You Know?

Here are some really neat facts health facts you may not know!


  1. The Human Body has 206 bones
  2. The first and last bone to form in the body is the clavicle
  3. The heart is a muscle
  4. Your brain has more than 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) in it
  5. You have 45 miles of nerves through out your body (more than the circumference of NYC-31miles)
  6. Nerves relay over 3 million messages a SECOND!!!
  7. About 60,000 miles of blood vessels throughout body.
  1. Approximately 600,000 people die each year from Heart Disease
  2. About 568,000 people die each year from Cancer
  3. Over 780,000 people die each year from Modern Medicine 
  4. The US spends on average $282,000,000 on medical mistakes
  5. Medical Malpractice premiums in the NY metro area range from $27,000 to $186,000/Year
  6. Chiropractic Malpractice premiums are hard to find, but our office range is from $1200-$2900/year
We understand that we are not necessarily in a health care crisis in our country.  We are in a crisis care crisis.  People are diagnosing themselves by TV commercials and Magazine ads.  They're taking more medicine (drugs) than ever.  The leading cause of death in our country is our own healthcare system.  We have a problem with that.  

The problem with the way our country perceives healthcare is very distorted.  The thought that our body is consistently sick, and that all we need are drugs to make us healthier is actually detrimental to your health.  

The fact is that your health comes only from one place... from the inside out.  Your body's innate intelligence can heal a cut on your finger or something more severe.  Your body's internal wisdom runs your body using the nervous system as a way for us to interact with our internal and external environments.  Just imagine... think if we had to think about beating our own heart, exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide, and walk at the same time!  Who would be alive for more than a few minutes?  No one, because your nervous system is relaying over 3,000,000 messages every second....I only mentioned a few.

What chiropractic has to do with all of this is very simple.  If your spine surrounds your spinal cord which is the extension of your brain that then extends out to the rest of your body.  If those nerves get irritated by improper spinal movement, then the cells, tissues, and organs connected to those nerves will not function at 100%.  All it takes is the weight of a dime on a nerve to decrease the amount of information going through a nerve, as well as decreases the way it absorbs nutrients.

Chiropractic focuses on finding those specific misalignments (Vertebral Subluxations) which are causing those nerves to malfunction.  The hardest part of this to grasp is that you can have this problem and not feel it...  Most people that have a vertebral subluxation, don't actually feel it; but if you do feel it, it may have been there for a while.  

It's great to have your spine checked regardless of age for your health and well being.  Chiropractic is a great choice in the mix of your healthy lifestyle recipe.  


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