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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Magic Bullet is Dangerous! (Aspirin)

Chiropractors have been promoting healing from the inside out since it's inception.  Chiropractors remove vertebral subluxations to maximize your body's innate ability to function and heal.  We understand that toxic chemical don't make the body healthy.  We've never promoted the use of medicine, and don't take any ourselves.  So here's a Medical Doctor, Dr. Mercola shows the dangerous direct effects of Aspirin.
Here's  some of his article:

Aspirin's Mostly Unrecognized Connection to Serious Medical Problems

Aspirin Increases Your Risk of Hemorrhage, GI Damage, and Several Other Problems

Routine use of aspirin has been associated with the following problems:
  • Bleeding, especially in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Duodenal ulcers, GI damage, and diverticular disease
  • Increased risk of ER/PR-negative breast cancer in women
  • Increased risk of kidney failure
  • Cataracts, hearing lossviii and tinnitusix
In fact, there are studies listed on GreenMedInfox showing aspirin's connection with 51 different diseases! The most well established side effect of aspirin is bleeding, which results from aspirin's interference with your platelets—the blood cells that allow your blood to clot. According to one scientific articlexi, long-term low-dose aspirin therapy may DOUBLE your risk for gastrointestinal bleeding.
You can certainly understand how a bleed is possible, given what is known about the effects aspirin has on your GI tract.
For example, a studyxii done earlier this year investigated the effects of low-dose aspirin on the gastrointestinal tracts of healthy volunteers. After only two weeks, the group receiving aspirin showed "small bowel injuries" capable of interfering with blood flow (diagnosed upon endoscopic examination). And a 2009 Australian studyxiii showed that aspirin causes gastroduodenal damage even at the low doses used for cardiovascular protection (80mg).
The damage to your duodenum—the highest part of your intestine into which your stomach contents pass—can result in duodenal ulcers, which are prone to bleeding. A Japanese studyxiv found a higher incidence of bleeding at the ulcer cites of patients with duodenal ulcers taking low-dose aspirin therapy, versus those not taking LDA. More than 10 percent of patients taking low-dose aspirin develop peptic ulcers.
The risk of bleeding is particularly pronounced in the elderly, which is very concerning as the elderly are often put on aspirin prophylactically to protect against cardiovascular disease. With all of these adverse effects, why risk it when there are safer and more effective alternatives? One of those alternatives is a relatively new emerging field called Earthing—meaning, grounding your body to the Earth.

Our Health Care Philosophy
Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential from the time they are born through their last breath of life. This includes you!

To help you maximize your ability to heal from an injury, pain or health problem, to identify underlying conditions that you may not feel yet, or to achieve optimum health and peak performance levels, the following scientific and philosophical premises should be applied to your health care and lifestyle.

1. Innate Intelligence

You have, within you, an Innate Intelligence. Present from the moment you were conceived, this intelligence grew you from 1 cell into over 80 quadrillion cells that were organized and specialized to keep you healthy and functioning at your highest level throughout your lifetime. This Innate Intelligence guides the processes in your body that turn food into cells, eliminate waste products, coordinate muscle contraction and communicate with or without your conscious thought to every cell, tissue and organ of your body via your nervous system. As long as there is no interference to this system, you have the capability to heal, feel great, be healthy and function well for a lifetime. Nurture this Intelligence for the development of your human potential and you will set personal records in all areas of your life.

2. Interference

Unfortunately, there can be interference to the communication and expression of this intelligence within your body. This interference causes dis-ease, weakness, and imbalances within your nervous system that can cause all types of immediate health problems. Or, this interference can lie dormant and asymptomatic for decades, leading to severe health conditions, chronic pain, deterioration and disease down the road.

Nerve Interference in the spine is called a vertebral subluxation. Lifestyle Interference is a result of poor health habits such as overeating, poor nutrition, excessive drinking, taking prescription or non-prescription drugs, or sitting too much. Environmental Interference is caused by toxicity from air, food, water, or chemicals, as well as accidents or natural disasters. All three types of interference can cause pressure in your spine and nervous system and affect your health on every level.

3. Adjustments

Using a variety of chiropractic techniques, our 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliates will work to remove this interference from your body so that you can heal quickly, stabilize, regenerate and achieve optimum health and peak performance levels for a lifetime.
We choose health, we choose LIFE, we choose Chiropractic.  Make informed health choices in your life that will increase the quality and quantity of your life.  You future, and your family's future depends on it!

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