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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chiropractic advocate exposes Kentucky state's vaccine lies

I know this is from 2010, but it is pretty cool.  The video is about 10 minutes....

A special report by Terry A. Rondberg, DC, CEO, World Chiropractic Alliance

Thumbs up this week to Mary Tocco, whose work with autistic children has been highlighted in The Chiropractic Journal (seeAutism: Can children recover? Ms. Tocco has managed and promoted chiropractic offices for 27 years, and she's done extensive research into natural healthcare, home-birth, nutrition, and many other aspects related to wellness and anti-aging.
As a mother of five very healthy children who were raised utilizing these principles, she is a consultant to many who want to promote natural family health. She is a wealth of information for families that want to avoid pharmaceuticals and can show them a more natural approach.
She is also an independent researcher and international public speaker. Since 1979, she has been investigating vaccinations and their connection to childhood illness. In 2006, she released a DVD called “Are Vaccines Safe?” that has been viewed by over 100,000 people worldwide. Visit www.childhoodshots.com
Recently, she helped expose the outrageous misinformation being spread by Kentucky state health officials through an expensive television ad campaign. Luckily, Ms. Tocco was interviewed for a detailed report on Liberty Insider. For more, watch the YouTube video:

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic saves patients money by reducing their need for pain medication. Many drugs merely mask pain without addressing its underlying cause. Chiropractic goes to the root of the problem, helping patients live pain-free without the use of medication.
