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Monday, April 25, 2011

Prescription Drugs Kill More Young People than Auto Accidents

In Ohio, fatal overdoses of prescription drugs have more than quadrupled in the last decade. By 2007, they had surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental death. The Obama administration has announced plans to fight prescription drug addiction nationally -- across the country, the problem is now killing more people than crack cocaine in the 1980’s and heroin in the 1970’s combined.

The vast majority of young people get the drugs indirectly from dealers and other users who have access to prescriptions.
According to the New York Times:
“Families are joining forces to combat the problem. Mothers whose children died from addiction have started to picket clinics that they believed were reckless with prescriptions.”



  1. Among the different kinds of prescription drugs, vicodin is an extremely powerful one. Being a compulsive mood-altering drug, Vicodin can have serious effects on the person’s physical and psychological aspects.

  2. Prescription drugs, surgery, pain killers, etc, just numb your pain and don’t do anything to fix the problem, yet they are responsible for 106,000 deaths per year.

    Eat less food. Eat healthier food. Exercise. Don’t smoke. Get adjusted by your chiropractor. These simple lifestyle choices all have a positive long-term impact on your health.

  3. Advises Findrxonline on their website that these are the symptoms of prescription drug addiction for the above three categories is different. Confusion, constipation, depression, low breathing rate and low blood pressure are the symptoms Garfunkel for opioid painkillers. Confusion, drowsiness, frequent movement of eyeball, poor judgment and unsteady gait power are the common symptoms of sedatives and tranquilizers. Guitar, high blood pressure, irritation, irregular heartbeat, insomnia and rapid weight loss are the general drug addiction symptoms of stimulant nature of drugs.

  4. Drug abuse is often part of the phenomena of pain management. A practice that starts as a way for pain relief often unconsciously turns into an addiction. It’s more than often that this happens and is a source for different health problems in human body.

  5. The Chiropractics practitioner wil conduct tests that are physical and neurological on you just to ascertain the magnitude of the problem.

    Moshen Zargar
