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Friday, July 22, 2011

Heat Wave

Hey Everyone.... If you are in the NortthEast like we are here at New York Chiropractic, we have and will be experiencing  temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.  Today we probably will be at a record temp today of 115 degrees..... WOW.  

Please make sure you are drinking a LOT of water.  Reach for a gallon of WATER (not soda, not coffee, not tea, JUST WATER) on days like this.

Here are a few tips for you...  National Weather Service Link .  Here is the RedCross info sheet...CheckList.
Here is one last piece on heatwaves from NOAA

And remember at New York Chiropractic, we work on function... so if you get adjusted during a heatwave your body will be functioning at its peak potential!!!

Go to your Chiropractor and get Adjusted!!!!

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