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Monday, July 18, 2011

Lower Your Blood Pressure With A Chiropractic Visit

Americans suffer from being trained by Big Pharma.... Everyone wants the magic bullet for their health.  They want drugs to wake them up, put them to sleep, to make us more alert, to calm us down, to help gain weight, to help us loose weight...  and there are many more than that.  

What if your body was just working correctly so you could perform and function the way you should without all the un-necessary medications and surgeries.  Chiropractic offers that to you.  Healthy blood pressure is one of the many functions in the human body that is regulated by the Nervous System.  Chiropractic directly works with the Nervous System to make sure it is performing the best that it can.  

Below is a story of just how another person was saved by a Chiropractor....  what will your story be?

Some Lower Blood Pressure With Chiropractic Visit

The above headline comes from a May 6, 2010 feature story on the Pittsburgh, PA, TV News station
KDKA. The story starts off by noting that millions of people have high blood pressure. And they note that if left untreated it can be deadly.

Most people treat blood pressure with medication. However, the story notes that some people are turning to chiropractic for help. As a result, these people are seeing improvement in their blood pressure numbers.
The story focused on Dr. Michael Vactor who stated in an interview that, "Basically, one in four adults in America have some form of high blood pressure."

The article also quoted Bill Bird, a patient who is now sold on chiropractic. Bill has a very stressful job selling cars resulting in high blood pressure requiring prescription medication. After a few visits to the chiropractor, his blood pressure had improved to the point where his medical doctor cut his medication in half. Looking to the future, Bill optimistically stated, "30 to 45 days of my blood pressure staying at the levels it is, I'm going to be off it 100 percent."

In spite of the fact that studies have now shown that chiropractic can help lower blood pressure, some in the medical profession are still skeptical. Dr. Vactor noted, "If we can get somebody's blood pressure to be lowered without medication, it's amazing because most doctors you talk to will tell you it can't be done."
The article also interviewed Dr. George Bakris, a medical doctor whose expertise is high blood pressure, and who conducted a blood pressure study involving chiropractic on 50 patients at the University of Chicago Medical School. "We saw miraculous changes in blood pressure," said Dr. Bakris. "We saw 12 to 13 millimeter reductions in blood pressure."

In the conclusion of the article, Dr. Vactor noted that in spite of the medical approach to treat high blood pressure, chiropractic could have a unique answer. He states, "We've never been able to find a drug or a medication that can lower blood pressure that fast with no side effects."

Artilce from:  NYCLC.com

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractic care helps to harmonize the natural system of the body by realigning the bones of the spine and removing congestion and pressure in the nervous system. This helps in reducing the physiological stress response and regains the healing and maximum functioning of the body. Chiropractic care has not only treated many health problems but has also helped a great deal in stabilizing the level of blood pressure.

    Chiropractor Adelaide
