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Monday, September 26, 2011

What they don't want you to know about the FLU Shot

Hello All,
As you all know, we are starting to see and hear advertising for the FLU vaccine.  All of these companies that are promoting vaccines, and or other medications are betting that you will act like sheep and run to get the vaccine because everybody else is.  What they don't know, is that you are smarter, you actually have an interest in your health, and you are willing to look a little farther to see the facts.  

Click on Picture to Zoom In
Read what's in the red box.  
When it comes to facts, we will do our best to share what we find with you.  What pharmaceutical companies, want you to believe is that you NEED to have medicine to live.  The truth is, that your health is something that comes from within.  Your body's natural inborn ability to heal has been around since since humans have been around.  As you have seen in other posts, you know when you put a band-aid on, it doesn't do the healing, your body does.  So lets look at some facts, and some opinions from some of the most well known people in the medicine research world, that are not financially tied to big pharma:

These are the known toxins in the influenza vaccine:
-- 25 micrograms of mercury (thimerosal), a known neurotoxin; one microgram is considered toxic; according to the NIH, "mercury and all of its compounds are toxic, exposure to excessive levels can permanently damage or fatally injure the brain and kidneys;" even "exposures to very small amounts" can also cause "allergic reactions, neurological damage and death;" it's also linked to autism;

-- aluminum hydroxide and phosphate, known to be linked to some neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease; the Office of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports x-ray evidence of pulmonary fibrosis among workers studied; it also reports that patients undergoing long-term kidney dialysis develop speech disorders, dementia, or convulsions;

-- formaldehyde, a known carcinogen according to the National Cancer Institute; it's also linked to upper respiratory tract problems and effects on lymphatic and hematopoietic systems (relating to human blood cells);

-- gelatin, polysorbate 80 and resin - ingredients causing severe allergic reactions;

-- ammonium sulfate, a suspected gastrointestinal, liver, and respiratory toxicant and neurotoxicant;

-- sorbitol, a suspected gastrointestinal and liver toxicant;

-- phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), a suspected developmental and reproductive toxicant;

-- beta-propiolactone, a known carcinogen and  suspected gastrointestinal, liver, respiratory, skin and sense organ toxicant;

-- gentamycin, an antibiotic;

-- triton X100, a strong detergent;

-- animal tissues and fluids, including potentially contaminated horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, pig blood, and porcine (pig) protein/tissue;

-- calf and fetal bovine serum;

-- macerated cancer cells;

-- diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue; and/or

-- other ingredients varying by producer.

If you don't know what some of those ingredients are, use GOOGLE to find out.  It's pretty scary.  

Here are some quotes from Dr. Viera Scheibner research on vaccination science and history:

She was interviewed by Dr. Gary Null on September 18, 2009 and she said "arguably one of the world's most respected scientists and scholars on vaccine medical data....Her investigations uncover how the vaccine industrial complex (and complicit government regulatory bodies produce) pseudo-science that is fraught with inconsistencies, poorly designed studies, erroneous interpretations, and conclusions that are patently false" - by design, not chance.

"Ever since the turn of the (last) century, medical journals published dozens and dozens of articles demonstrating that injecting vaccines (can) cause anaphylaxis, meaning harmful, inappropriate immunological responses, which is also called sensitization. (This) increase(s) susceptibility to the disease which the vaccine is supposed to prevent, and to a host of related and other unrelated infections."

"We see it in vaccinated children within days, within two or three weeks. (Most of them) develop runny noses, ear infections, pneumonitis, (and) bronchiolitis. It is only a matter of degrees, which indicates immuno-suppression, (not immunity). It indicates the opposite. So I never use the word immunization because that is false advertising. It implies that vaccines immunize, which they don't. The correct term is either vaccination or sensitization."

As you read this, I'm sure you are thinking this is very one sided.... because it is.  The reason this is, is that everything you get from mass media is one sided and skewed because billions of dollars a month are spent on advertising from Pharmaceutical companies.  

Watch this video:

There is a positive side to this story.  Here's some history:

Chiropractors helping patients battle the flu is not a new occurrence either. During the 1917-18 influenza epidemic, which brought death and fear to many Americans, it has been estimated that 20 million people died throughout the world, including about 500,000 Americans. It was chiropractic’s success in caring for flu victims that led to the profession’s licensure in many states.
Researchers reported that in Davenport, Iowa, out of the 93,590 patients treated by medical doctors, there were 6,116 deaths -- a loss of one patient out of every 15. Chiropractors at the Palmer School of Chiropractic adjusted 1,635 cases, with only one death. 

Outside Davenport, chiropractors in Iowa cared for 4,735 cases with only six deaths -- one out of 866. During the same epidemic, in Oklahoma, out of 3,490 flu patients under chiropractic care, there were only seven deaths. Furthermore, chiropractors were called in 233 cases given up as lost after medical treatment, and reportedly saved all but 25. In another report covering 4,193 cases by 213 chiropractors 4,104 showed complete recovery.
( Read the Entire Article in the link below)

So please go to your chiropractor and get your Spine and Nervous System evaluated to MAXIMIZE YOUR HEALTH.  We also have one more article on our Website. Check it out.

Until Next time.  

-Drs. Handt

1 comment:

  1. Good article. I have patients saying I couldn't come in because I was sick with the flu. Thats when I tell them that is when you NEED to be adjusted. Stay adjusted, keep your immune function working
    People have this idea that there is no way to prevent getting sick other than vaaccines. Your immune function needs to be optimized,
