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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Allergies Getting You Down.... Why Chiropractic should be on your places to visit next week

Did you know that Chiropractic can help with your allergies?  Don't be so surprised, many people don't.  What you will find out in the article below is that Chiropractors around the world work with children to senior citizens to help maximize their health potential.  People don't only go to Chiropractors for pain.  This may be a new concept to few, but ever since Chiropractic was discovered in 1895, pain wasn't on the forefront.  Actually the first patient ever got an adjustment and had his hearing returned.  That's some powerful stuff.  So read below, and see how a your local Chiropractor should be at the top of your list of wellness providers.  No one else does what they do.

Chiropractic for Allergies

On May 7, 2009 a story was run on the ABC affiliate, KSPR out of Springfield Missouri, which featured help for allergies through chiropractic. In this story Jami Lynn Lilly was an allergy sufferer who always had problems during the spring in Missouri. Her allergies would give her sinus problems and cause her eyes to water. She commented, "I get really bad sinus infections, for weeks I just look like I'm bawling all the time"

Jami finally decided to go to a chiropractor for her problem. After her first visit she reported improvement. She described the experience by saying, "He adjusted me one time for it, two three days my nose just drained and then I was fine after that."

Jami's chiropractor, Dr. Baca, was also interviewed in the news story and he raised an interesting question. "If there's an allergy floating around out there what makes one person susceptible to it, when it doesn't make all of us susceptible." He then explained that the nervous system is the key. He stated, "Your nervous system controls every aspect of your body, including your immune system."

The story noted that the nervous system is the master controller of the body. The spine protects the spinal cord thus protecting the messages that are carried over the nervous system. According to the article, Dr. Baca explained that, "If one of the vertebrae on your spine is out of place it could be putting pressure or irritating one of your nerves. 

Maybe the nerve that controls your sinuses, your head, your throat or your immune system."
He further explained that this could be the reason why one person is susceptible to allergies while another in the same environment is not, "This person's immune system isn't functioning as well as this person's immune system so it can't fight the allergen off like it should."

Jami explained that she never knew that chiropractic could help her allergies. She said, "I never knew it; I just came because my neck was bothering me." The news story concludes by noting that. "Jami is a big believer now. She's allergy free and passing the word on about allergies and chiropractic."

1 comment:

  1. If you are supposed to take the chiropractor services, learn something before about the practice of a chiropractic.

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