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Monday, November 7, 2011

Running....Make it better through Chiropractic

As some of you that are reading this may be runners, If you haven't considered putting Chiropractic Care into the front of your lifestyle care, you may reconsider.  More and more athletes are considering chiropractic to be their secret weapon in peak performance.  From endurance athletes to body builders, body function is the most important part of the game.  If you body and mind are not functioning as close to 100% as possible, you're not going to perform any activity your best, whether it's your athletic activity or sleeping.

Jerry Rice talks about his success with Chiropractic... Click on Jerry Rice to read the press release.

Lets look at what makes peak performance through chiropractic a reality.
  1. Human Structure-the part of your body that determines a healthy structure is the skull and the spine.  Healthy spinal alignment allows for correct bio-mechanical movement.  
  2. Muscles- attached to the structure are muscles.  Many different muscles are there to stabilize the structure and others are there to make it mobile.  Active lifestyles require the body to be moving a lot.   
  3. Nerve System- the brain controls all your functions(muscles, organs, sensation) in your body.  The spinal cord is the extension of the brain that branches out into 31 pairs of spinal nerves that go to every single cell, tissue, organ, and system in the human body.  The Central Nervous System is the master control system of the body.
  4. Innate Intelligence- Your body is not a machine like a car.  It has an inborn intelligence that controls and coordinates life.  Just think, what's the difference between a person who is alive, and one that is not.  All the pars are there(including the nervous system), all the fluids are there... An active nervous system is the only thing that is missing.  
    1. Innate intelligence uses the Nervous System as it's material information highway to send messages to everything in the body.  It controls and coordinates LIFE 
  5. Interference to Innate Intelligence-  Mental (Thoughts), Biochemical (Toxis), and Physical (Trauma) STRESSES effect the way your body interacts with it's environment.  When the stress goes into the body and it can't deal with it anymore, you get a Spinal Subluxation.  A Subluxation is when a spinal bone moves out of it's normal position due to excess Stress (Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins), and causes interference/ poor communication  from the brain to the body or the body to the brain.  The Simplest way to think about is would be: A subluxation occurs and causes an interference to the nervous system, and interference to your body's Innate Intelligence.   
  6. The Chiropractic Answer- Chiropractors are trained to do a proper analysis to find subluxations (some use x-ray, hands on, instrumentation, or all of them).  Once they are found Chiropractors are the only profession trained to perform a specific Chiropractic adjustment.  The Adjustment removes the interference to Innate Intelligence and the nervous system and RESTORES normal function to the human body.
    1. Lifestyle Stress (Thoughts, Traumas, Toxins) = Subluxations
    2. Subluxations = decreased function (innate intelligence being interfered with)
    3. Decreased Function = Decreased Health = Decrease Performance
    4. Chiropractic Adjustment = reduced Subluxations
    5. Reduced Subluxations = clear communication with Nervous System/ Innate Intelligence 
    6. Healthy Nervous System =  Proper Function = Peak Performance
    7. Proper Function = Healthier Life 100% of the time
Now that you are ready to call a Chiropractor to improve your running performance, look at what else has the possibility of getting helped...... EVERYTHING. 
This is why men, women, and children (as early as minutes old) are checked for Subluxation.  Because life needs to be expressed at any age!!!!
Thanks for Reading

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